BETWEEN  is the second studio album by Minneapolis based Artist, Psychic and Mother of three, Mama Rose. Bridging genres including Dance, Trance, Meditation, Jazz and Spoken Word, this self-produced album is an invitation for deep healing. Through the exploration of the four core tenets of embodiment as identified in Mama Rose’s healing practice, the listener moves through a 12 track journey inward toward the self. Each song is an opportunity to re-write the inner-talk, to move the body, thoughts, emotions and spirit and to re-orient oneself to personal and collective center. Along with collaborators, Thomas C Gorton, Michaelton of Digital Nap and Jason Faye, Mama Rose layers complex vocal stacks over soft beds of ambient nature sounds and trance inducing drums. “Think angelic meets unapologetic honesty, sweetness meets unbridled wildness, this music explores the entire spectrum of what it means to be human and restores the inner-voice.”

Photo Credit Kelsey McKenny